Parallels (Deluxe) out now!
Streaming everywhere! Consider checking the USB cards and new merch in our shop if you’d like to support! It’s been my life’s work thus far. This project that started in my dorm room has taken me around the world and connected me with so many of you. But this album was incredibly hard to make. Growing up in a family of musicians I’ve always felt pressure to be extraordinary. Parallels had to be great and I put all of my time and energy into achieving that. But then people seemed to really connect with a song called Taipei, a track I had considered scrapping at one point. So hey what do I know? The deluxe is me letting go of the pursuit of perfection. I went and finished those songs I scrapped because any one of them could be someone’s favorite song. Thank you for being here.
Artwork by Tania Tran
Spring Tour 24!
Heyo! Oceans is hitting the road again this Spring! Playing Canada and many other cities for the first time with our brother/bassist Connor Lin Frost. The flier art is from some AI animation we’re working on. Finally figured out how to update this site so stay tuned for that and other cool news soon! Will post here first! Hope to see you out there in May! -Liam
Parallels is out NOW!
The debut album “Parallels” is out NOW on Heading East Records on all streaming services and on vinyl and CDs, available in our shop! Hoodies and tees are up too! Use code RELEASEWEEK to get 10% off. This was an incredibly difficult project to finish, but it also gave me so much joy and I’m so proud of it. I feel so lucky to be surrounded by incredibly supportive bandmates, friends, family, fans and label. Thank you for listening to the singles and for all the love. Album release tour starts tomorrow! The final show will be at TV Eye in Queens on 1/29. We’re opening for heroes of ours The Color Fred and Alex Melton! Click the SHOWS tab to get tickets to that one or one of the eleven other awesome shows we’re playing. We hope you love the album and see you soon!
Artwork by Tania Tran
Parallels out next Friday!
The album “Parallels” is out next Friday on Heading East Records!! The final single “Take Me Home” is out today! Pre-order the album on vinyl, CDs, tees and hoodies by clicking the SHOP tab or grab one at a show in the next few weeks! This last single is one of our favorite songs and the album opener. Hope it gets you excited to hear the rest of the album next week. Click below to listen now!
Artwork and merch by Tania Tran
Take Me Home
The final single from the album, will be out on Friday, 1/6/2023 on Heading East Records!

Artwork by Tania Tran
Album Release Tour!
Our debut album [Parallels] will be out in January 2023, and we’re very excited to announce we’ll be hitting the road alongside Dizzy Bats to play it for you! Click for tickets links. Note that some links aren’t up yet but will be soon. Hope to see you at a show!

Hey! We're Oceans in the Sky
Welcome to our site! Thanks for being here. Big news coming soon!

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